How to find your soulmate in 2010!

Love is in the air! The year is 2010 and it seems that many people have one main concern in their lives; Finding The Perfect Soulmate! Your soulmate (or soul mate) is the person that you were "predetermined" to have a romantic relationship with, or the person that you are most likely to "connect with" romantically.

There has been ages of debate on how a person can attract a soulmate, and how online dating doesn't work, for meeting that special person. So now we will provide you with some online dating tips to help you keep or find your perfect soul-mate in the year 2010!


1.) Make sure your internet works

You MUST have a computer with a working internet connection. When we say "working", we do not mean Dial-Up! If you don't know what dial-up is, you are doing well so far; if you DO have dial-up internet, that is a red flag! Why is internet important you ask? It's the year 2010, and there is no other way to meet the person that was born to be with you than online, because no one leaves their home anymore! Everyone stays locked indoors, posting their every move, problems, heartbeats and "dirty laundry" on Facebook!


2.) Use antivirus protection

So, you have your internet connection established, and you're ready to hit the dating scene and HARD! It's time to make sure that you always protect yourself! Sticking your USB drive into unknown computers can be disastrous! Always be sure to have virus protection at all times and make sure that you're educated on how to use it! Just because you can't SEE a virus, doesn't mean it's not there!


3.) Use Photoshop!

Next on the list of requirements, is looking good. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what if "The Beholder" is a superficial, egotistical person who thinks looks are a deal breaker? The answer? PHOTOSHOP! Install it and learn how to use it! Photoshop can make you look better than you really do! Blemishes? Acne? Scars? Airbrush them off in Photoshop! One leg? Add another in Photoshop! No longer do you have to care about how you look...because Photoshop makes you look


4.) Use speech to text

Writing is a thing of the past. With software such as "Dragon Speak Recognition", you don't need to learn to spell or construct proper sentences any longer! Your computer can be the brain behind the operation, and all you have to do is speak! So what if you type "There" when referring to your friend's plans; and so what if you say "you have scene it all" instead of seen. Speech to text will guarantee that your high school [and college education] was a complete waste! When it's time to actually meet your soulmate in person, you can just say you have laryngitis and can't actually speak....BRILLIANT!!


5.) Throw away your phone

If you have a "regular phone" in your home, you are doing yourself an injustice. Why keep your phone? It hasn't touched your ear in a couple of years! Your keys are worn out from text messaging but you can just buy a new trash that land line! When someone calls you, you hit ignore and then text them saying "What's up", so ditch that old ear weight! There's no better way of showing your affection to your sweetheart than typing "OMG I luv u" or "U R my BFF"....etc..etc. Is there?? Throw that unused phone away and cancel your cellphone minutes, who needs 'em?


6.) Ditch that love song CD

That old CD of your favorite romance music is better as a coaster these days. When you're sitting with your honey, or trying to lure your date into your trap, why let a skipping song from a scratched disk ruin your momentum? There is no need to buy CDs anymore when all you have to do is go to your favorite file sharing site and download all of the music you need for your love song compilation! So what if your ISP comes after you and threatens to shut off your internet, you're in love! So what if the RIAA threatens to sue you for $1,000,000.00 for downloading three can't pay it if they tried to collect it anyways! So what if you get put in takes sacrifice! Ditch those CDs!


7.) Learn Acronyms

Last but not least, you MUST LEARN ACRONYMS. These days no one types a full sentence anymore when speaking the love language. If you tell your new found date or girlfriend/boyfriend that "you love them" in more than four letters, you are WAY off the mark. That's a red flag. Learn to type in non-English, non-understandable terminology, or expect to be alone for LIFE. Look at it on the bright side though...when he says "I thought ILU meant - I LOVE can say: "no, I meant that I lacked understanding." Works everytime. Acronyms are the weapon of choice for newly dating couples, and disgruntled couples alike. Now you no longer have to "mean what you say (or type)"


Well ladies and gentleman, hopefully these online dating tidbits will prove priceless in professionals dating, finding your soulmate, or being happy with the one you now have. Just in case our advice proves disastrous for your relationship..sorry, we aren't perfect either!!

Happy Computing!

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