The incredible PSYCHIC TIMES is a free monthly newsletter for those with an interest in the Metaphysical. I start every month by reading my latest issue.
It's been an invaluable source for the latest paranormal research.
The Editor-In-Chief and content editor for the PSYCHIC TIMES Newsletter is Selene of Psychic Access.
Here's how they describe the layout of each issue:
Each month, our editor, Selene, will contribute an informative article on a thought provoking topic. Be on the lookout for the highlighted letters that will appear in this column, as they are clues that will help solve our monthly "Jumble Contest" where you might very well win $50 in free reading time at Psychic Access.
A fascinating article was "Soulmates, Life Partners & Unconditional Love
Be Careful What You Ask For You Just May Get It" --
"I am a firm believer that we are not limited to a one and only one soulmate opportunity in this lifetime. I wanted to help define this concept to offer hope to those who may feel that they missed out if they did not stay with the person they thought was their soulmate or felt they never met them. Many people tend to give up and feel that it just may not be their destiny to find that very special love. It can lead to loneliness and depression that is based more on misperceptions and undue expectations rather than being impossible to find.
"Whether they are married but feel it's to the wrong person, in a relationship but not sure if this is the one or single and hoping to meet Prince or Princess Charming, many of tend to feel it just may not happen for us. We know of people who met at a young age and are still together years later and feel we may have missed our Soulmate if that was not the way it worked out for us. We also know of people who seem like star crossed lovers who may never both be available to each other at the same time. I was hoping to dispel some of the myth and present a neutral but realistic point of view.
"I did some research on the subject and found a lot of information in books from my personal library and reading some of the better articles I found on various websites. I found information from Edgar Cayce, Sanaya Roman, Thomas Moore and several other authors. I started writing bits and pieces to outline what I wanted to include and it looked like I had the resources I would need to create the kind of interesting article I would look for my self. I intended to delve into it further after I put the finishing touches on Salome's article."
Another favorite was "Miracles" by Tracy L Pacelli:
" -- Only a few months ago, my daughter and I stepped onto our sidewalk and saw a large heart etched into the concrete from the rainstorm that preceded it. Were our eyes deceiving us or was it possible that we were receiving a message of love that we took the time to stop and notice? Does this miraculous imprint go against nature or are there unseen forces at work all the time in our lives?
"Another miracle Nickell likes to refute is that of faith healing. How could someone lay their hands upon another and eradicate diseases that doctors claimed were incurable? In this day and age there are many Reiki practitioners and soul path healers who can manipulate energy in the chakras and take away illness. I've seen it done first hand and have even learned the technique of soul path healing. Margarite, my spiritual mentor, was once diagnosed with Poly Arteritis Nodosa, a debilitating and rare form of arthritis that attacked her body viciously. As it progressed, her body's organs began shutting down and she was not given much time to live. After visiting a psychic healer, the doctors were baffled when the illness was no longer there, and like our friend Nickell believes, when it comes to faith healing, these doctors thought they must've made an error in their initial diagnosis. If not that, then Nickell claims these spontaneous healings occur to people who 'were susceptible to psychosomatic influences and/or were known to show spontaneous remissions.'"
And "The Secret Language" by Tracey L. Pacelli
"Young Priscilla was like a walking mood ring who could immediately detect the emotions and colors of anyone she conversed with. She could also pick up pulses and textures from the voices she heard and could pinpoint whether the sounds revealed any hidden illnesses present in the individual. But, what to do with this knowledge? How could Priscilla translate her gifts into a worthwhile contribution that could help society solve one of its most perplexing problems?
"The answer came to her in ear piercing shrieks, guttural groans and squeals that only a mother could love. Upon giving birth to her infant son, Tom, a whole new world of noises opened up to Priscilla, providing her with all the tools she needed to unlock the secret language of babies. After listening intently to her own baby's cry, she discovered five sounds which proved to have significant meanings. Tom was actually telling his mother how he was feeling and what he was needing!
"Initially she thought that this secret communication was only between the two of them, but that hypothesis would soon undergo a drastic change that would blow the bottom, excuse the crass pun, out of all our preconceived notions about newborns. Priscilla took her act to the road and put her ear to the crib as she listened to the cries of a thousand babies. Do I envy her this task? Not on your life. I think I'd probably have killed myself after listening to the first one hundred. But, the lady knew she had an important secret to uncover and let's not forget that she was Australian..."
Other sections are:
FEATURED PSYCHIC Tremendous source for psychic researchers!
SERENITY FAIR: Feraion::: Provides us with a light-hearted monthly column in an effort to get us to smile, which we all need to do more of. Feraion lives in Australia where his day job is an accounting university professor. He was originally from England where he learned Qabalah from students of Dion Fortune herself, where he was the Radio Medway astrologer for a couple of years, where he edited the Astrological Association's magazine Transit for a bit longer, and where he was warden of a qabalistic SDG for over a decade. He has lived in China and Singapore for over 15 years and is now in his third year with Psychic Times.
CHAYYA KNOWS: Chayya::: One of the Internet's top mediums (channelers). Her ability to communicate with those who have passed is astounding. She can be found working at Gifted Psychic
Each month, Chayya randomly selects a question submitted from our many subscribers and provides an in-depth answer. To submit a question for possible inclusion in our newsletter, just click on "Submit A Question" above. We regret that only the selected question can be answered.
STORY CONTEST Submit your TRUE paranormal stories and we'll enter you in our monthly non-fiction story contest. One winner will be chosen each month and will be given $50 worth of credit towards a reading with one of their favorite psychics on "Psychic Access". To submit your entry, click on the link above, "Submit A Story".
PRAYER CIRCLE Each month, we randomly select, from among the e-mails received from you, one person to be featured in our prayer circle. All we need from you is a paragraph or two about the person--and yes it can be yourself--along with his/her name, age and place of residence. Oh, and don't think that only illnesses are worthy of prayers. It can be a strong desire, a job you're anxiously hoping for, or anything that keeps you up nights wishing on the stars. You'll be amazed just how potent the power of prayer really is, especially when performed in numbers.
JUMBLE CONTEST With a Prize worth $50.00
SHAMAN'S CORNER Each month the lovely and most talented Salome imparts some Shamanic wisdom and teachings upon us and shares some interesting personal tidbits. Salome was a reader on Psychic Web for many years and can now be found on Live Online Psychics, where she is one of the top readers. We hope you enjoy Shaman's Corner.
ARCHIVED ISSUES Dozens of Incredible Articles!
FOOD FOR THE SOUL Send us your favorite recipes that will stir our emotions, enliven our senses and harmonize our mind, body and spirit. To provide your recipe, click on the "Submit A Recipe" button located at the top right, across from the "Food for the Soul" title.
"The net's best metaphysical newsletter. Interviews with psychics, contests to win free readings, interesting articles and so much more. Has an archive of all past newsletters, too!"
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Kate Falken:
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