There are many many women in the world that share the anguish that results from living with a cheating husband. It is amazing that the thing which causes so much pain and suffering is widely practised on such a regular basis. Nothing is more heart-wrenching or sickening than knowing that your partner and soulmate has betrayed you. The scars left by this wound can have a far-reaching effect in all areas of your life.
In my two decades as a private investigator and from my own personal experience, I have found that the best way to deal with betrayal is to find out the truth, face reality, then take control of my life and move on. Whether this means breaking up or making up with your partner is entirely up to you.
Everyone is unique, we are all individuals with very individual ways of dealing with the problems that life gives us. However, I have found that there are three-day reactions to finding out that your husband is cheating.
Women at one end of the spectrum use this experience as a way to enrich themselves and move on with their lives, these are the people who will get on and never look back, always trusting their instincts. They know when to walk away and when to fight for what is important.
At the other end of the spectrum are those women whose life is very nearly destroyed when they find out that their husband is cheating on them. They will often give in rather than fighting for what they want, and they often shield themselves from the reality of the situation.
And then there are the women in between these two extremes, this by far the majority of women who live with philandering husbands. These women are not blind, and while they don't look for trouble, they don't ignore it when it comes around. They always want to know what's going on in their relationship, even if it hurts.
Which one of these three types are you?
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