It doesn't matter who you are or where you have come from, you really are capable of manifesting abundance. The things that you truly want and desire, you deserve to have them manifest in your life.
The person that you are today, the life you have right now is the reality of those desires and feelings. It doesn't matter if you are consciously aware, it is happening.
Manifesting abundance originates from the fact that it is our own thoughts that determine our reality. The quality of your thoughts shape up your entire life starting from birth. As an infant of course, the quality of your thoughts were not developed enough to be considered as a great power. Your thoughts at that time were little more than a response to basic instincts.
Children are taught by their parents what to believe, and how to behave. You then take those thoughts and beliefs and go to school. At school your thoughts and beliefs are challenged and changed. School teaches you that life is hard and people can be cold. Basically your teachers tell you that being able to manifest abundance in your life is hogwash.
What they told you was that only people that were born lucky, had good genes or that worked themselves to death would live an abundant life. They told you that the chances were greater that would live an ordinary life if you were lucky.
It's just that one can forget about his special well-settled dreams, or the things out of the ordinary that means something extraordinary for him, such as marrying soulmate instead of marrying an ordinary man out of thousands.
One can have abundance without even having to rely on god's gift of luck or even the so called very good 'education;'one also doesn't need to have great genes in him to acquire abundance.One doesn't need to have his existence where he is bound to get into drudgery,monotonousness or getting into work which he hates the most.
You are allowed to thrive. You can thrive. What is more, you deserve to thrive.
The key is that to manifest abundance you have to believe that you deserve it. You have to feel it deep within your soul that you deserve to have abundance, and you have to know how to make your dreams and desire a reality.
The cosmic laws of manifesting abundance are universal, even though everyone is different. These cosmic laws find distinctive expression in you and in your life. As an example, consider the musician that applies universal law while playing his or her instrument using their own distinct style as they compose and play. This is something you should remember so as not to become too confused. Manifesting abundance is personal and has nothing to do with trying to keep up with others.
This can mean that you get married... or that you don't. It can mean that you have more money then you know what to do with... or that you have enough for a simple and modest life. It can mean that you are as famous as Tiger Woods... or as the local butcher in your neighborhood. It will all depend on what your heart truly desires.
The only important thing is what is in your own heart. Manifesting abundance is all about having what you want. Living out your own unique fantasies.
So, what does it require to gain abundance? What cosmic laws must be aligned with yourself?
The first step is to know, really know, that you do in fact deserve to live out your heart's desires. If you can't believe this or if you struggle with believing it... take a few moments before getting out of bed each morning and tell yourself, 'I deserve to be happy,' or 'I deserve to have an abundant life.' If you need to, repeat it when you are looking at yourself in the mirror. If you have been taught your entire life that you are not worthy... then it is going to take some time to change your thought process, which is okay.
Always know why you want something. If you haven't go this deeply ingrained in your mind, you'll manifest things you really won't want after you have them. As the old proverb about manifesting goes, 'Be careful what you pray for, because you're going to get it.'
Know what you want and then allow your fantasies to flow as you focus intensely on the fantasies that come to you.
Make sure to take all the action you can to make your dream happen. For instance if you think you need more technical knowledge, you should get on the Internet and get all of the information you can. If you want to go to a certain website or read a particular book make sure to feel free.
It's not that one will manifest abundance without even working out for it;rather this hard work will inspire him for success so that it won't even seem like work to him,like the instance of a baseball player going for a match,implementing his hard work and getting abundance in terms of millions of dollars.
Let the manifestations comes as they will. You can't force the universe to work in your time. What you have to do is know that your dreams are coming to fruition. You will have all that you truly desire.
The life of your dreams is waiting just up ahead. Start walking in its direction.
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